
搜索"Rocco" ,找到 以下影视作品

Everything or Nothing focuses on three men with a shared dream - Bond producers Albert R. Broccoli, Harry Saltzman and author Ian Fleming. It's the thrilling and inspiring narrative behind the longest running film franchise in cinema history which began in 1962. With unprecedented access both to the key players in册ved and to Eon Production's extensive archive, this is the first time the inside story of the franchise has ever been told on screen in this way.
一对热血忠诚的爱尔兰裔兄弟,因自卫杀人而冒犯黑帮,警署以合法防守之名无罪开释。今后之后,二人决议以己之力反抗社会垃圾,购置兵器以暴制暴,在友人洛克(大卫·德拉·洛克David Della Rocco 饰)的赞助下消除犯法分子。联邦警探保罗·斯迈克(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)担任侦破案件,原来毫无眉目;但 在黑帮头子“老爸乔”(卡洛·罗塔 Carlo Rota 饰)雇佣了传奇枪手“公爵”(比利·康诺利 Billy Connolly 饰)反抗麦克马纳斯兄弟之后,情形却产生了意想不到的变更……
退伍的士兵Frank(亨弗莱·鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)离开佛罗里达口岸的Largo旅店造访他已故战友George的父亲Temple跟George的遗孀Nora(劳伦·白考尔 Lauren Bacall饰),在Temple运营的旅店里Frank意识了一个奥秘的主人Curly,Curly跟他的友人们包下了全部旅店。警员为了追踪两个逃狱的印第安人也离开了旅店。夜里,Curly一伙人露出了他们的真面貌,而且黑帮老迈Johnny Rocco(爱德华·罗宾逊 Edward G. Robinson 饰)也现身了。这个团伙要在这个旅店跟另一个黑帮直接买卖。他们挟持了Temple!Frank另有Nora。飓风降临,全部口岸暴风暴雨,而这个旅店里也将掀起一场血雨腥风......
/ Alvin / B. / Yapan
因为在黉舍表示差,巨室子马龙(Marlon,Paulo Avelino扮演)筹划着暗里里见见他的文学课教师,卡伦(Karen,Jean Garcia扮演)。但是,不经意间马龙发明本来卡伦除了做教师之外,同时又是一名舞蹈教师与舞蹈指点。于是,他雇佣了他的友人,同窗,同时身为卡伦的舞蹈助理的丹尼斯(Dennis, Rocco Nacino扮演)偷偷教他舞蹈,来亲近卡伦。但是,经由过程舞蹈的肢体触摸,鬼不觉鬼不觉间两个男生越来越亲近。丹尼斯逐步发明本人对马龙有一种无奈言状的情愫,这种感到曾经超出了友情,但是马龙却扣平易近气弦。没多久,他们的“友情”关联开端日趋缓和,但是马龙却丈二跟尚摸不着脑筋。因为舞蹈禀赋出众,两自我被选中成为卡伦教师的改编舞蹈,他加禄语版史诗剧「Humadapnon」的配角。当两个年青工资这部剧尽力排演时,马龙终于经由过程舞蹈的肢体触摸与真情吐露,告知了丹尼斯他那无奈用言语抒发的心声……
余小宝(黄秋生 饰)占有一身好武功,跟着春秋增加也有点力所能及,运营一家老式铁打医官。他老婆早逝,身兼母职照料儿子Nicky(冯德伦 饰)跟女儿Natalie(钟欣桐 饰),但是家里老是缺乏跟气,欧巴跟妹妹经常打骂,而孩子们都听厌了父亲不绝报告昔时的勇敢。Nicky始终爱好妹妹的好友人Ella(蔡卓妍 饰),而Nataile的男友Jason(吴彦祖 饰)则是个音乐人。                                                                    Rocco(王敏德 饰)抓走了余小宝请求说出昔时侵犯Rocco使之今后瘫痪的戴子龙,兄妹俩不得纷歧同救回爸爸。至此他们才发明白爸爸!Jason以及戴子龙的真事身份,使他们惊奇不已。
On an emotional journey in Morocco, an entrepreneur pieces together the turbulent life of his estranged mother and meets her adopted daughter.
  A group of eccentric retirees' lives are turned upside down when their beloved apartment complex is suddenly sold out from under them. Starring George Hamilton, Valerie Perrine, Alex Rocco, Jack McGee, Barbara Bain, Mariette Hartley, Jack Betts, Howard Hesseman, Heather McComb, Micah Hauptman.
Fernando Di Leo's Milano Calibro 9 is an out-and-out masterpiece of Italian Crime cinema and, in my opinion, one of the most astonishing crime stories ever told. The first film in Di Leo's excellent 'Milieu' trilogy, Milano Calibro 9 was followed by La Mala Ordina (aka. Manhunt, also 1972) and the brilliant Il Boss (1973). The three films are not connected story-wise, but all three are excellent, and highly realistic portrayals of organized crime. As far as I am concerned Manhunt is (allthough excellent) slightly inferior to this one and Il Boss which both stand out as absolute all-time highlights of crime cinema. Milano Calibro 9 is the best of them all, a film that is astonishing in all aspects, be it the ingenious plot that, apart from a compelling story and clever twists, includes social criticism, the performances, the gritty atmosphere and suspense or the brilliant score. I can hardly find the right words to express my admiration for this masterpiece which easily ranks among the greatest Gangster flicks ever brought to screen.  Gastone Moschin stars as Ugo Piazza, a tough and elliptical ex-convict who has just been released from prison. Immediately after his release, Ugo is approached by members of the Milan mob lead by the irascible gangster Rocco (Mario Adorf), as they suspect him to be responsible for the disappearance of a large sum of money belonging to their boss, an American (Lionel Stander) who controls the organized crime in Milan...  Milano Calibro 9 is a film that delivers an astonishingly realistic mood of the underworld like hardly another. The intriguing storyline goes in hand with interesting characters, raw atmosphere, suspense and breathtaking action, social criticism and brutal violence. The film is simply stunning from the beginning to the end, which is even intensified by the brilliant score, a collaboration of the famous composer Luis Enríquez Bacalov and the Italian Progressive Rock band Osanna. Ugo Piazza must be one of the most charismatic gangster characters ever in cinema, and Gastone Moschin was the prefect choice for the role. Moschin delivers a brilliant performance, and the rest of the cast is also great. Mario Adorf is irascible like a rabid dog as the ferocious gangster Rocco, a role that fits him like a glove. The great Lionel Stander fits perfectly in his role of the American Mafia Don.  The two cop characters in the film are played by two of the greatest regulars of Italian genre-cinema, Luigi Pistilli and Frank Wolff (who committed suicide before the film was released). The ravishing Barbara Bouchet is astonishing and incredibly sexy in the role of Ugo Piazza's stripper girlfriend. Bouchet is both a stunning beauty and an excellent actress and this is doubtlessly one of her most memorable roles. This is also a political film and director Di Leo embedded a lot of social criticism about topics like corruption. This film simply has everything one can possibly desire in cinema. Films like Milano Calibro 9 are the reason why I love cinema. This is an absolute masterpiece in all regards and, without exaggeration, one of the greatest Crime flicks ever made! The ingenious opening scene alone is more memorable than most films get in two hours.
/ / Franco / di / Chiera
故事报告了堕入两难的乖乖仔Rocco(Frank Lotito扮演)不得不在挚爱Katie(Holly Valance扮演)跟对他宠爱有加跟适度掩护的母亲(Carmelina di Guglielmo扮演)间做出决定。故事报告了堕入两难的乖乖仔Rocco(Frank Lotito扮演)不得不在挚爱Katie(Holly Valance扮演)跟对他宠爱有加跟适度掩护的母亲(Carmelina di Guglielmo扮演)间做出决定。 乖小子Rocco看似占有了令人羡慕的所有:一份满足的任务,拉风的车子,跟一个违心为他做任何事且无前提爱他的女人——他的母亲。但是,当Rocco相逢了诱人的Katie,他认识到本人须要转变。在搞怪街坊Cotoletta太太的赞助下,Rocco试图转变本人乖乖仔的抽象,从而找到翻开Katie 心房的钥匙...